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Welcome to this new page! I've reworked a lot of things, added new feature, and had a lot more fun playing with javascript.
You can find the same thing as the old page with more content such as code experimentation, etc.

About me & this page

About me

Hello, my name is Clément also known as 'Ttiki' on the internet. I was born on the 9th of March 2001 in Bayonne (French side of the Basque country). I've been making my first games and programs when I was 9 years old (§iapproximately§r).
I've always been fascinated by sciences & most importantly computers. I've pursue science studies in high-school, specializing in engineer sciences. I'm now in my third year in university specialized in computer science.
Since 2020 (§i9th of March§r), I've launched my game studio. I've started working on my first game §gTwisted Minds§r. I've also started working with four of my friends on an alchool mobile game §gOlives & Mines§r, as a joke and for fun.

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